The staking pool for Middle East & Africa

MEA is committed to bring the blockchain and crypto revolution to the Middle-east and Africa through the cardano ecosystem. Join us in reshaping the future of our region's economy.

About us

Mea is a cardano staking pool that serves the Middle-east and Africa region, it’s newly launched and operated by a team of Tunisian professionals who are committed to contribute to the decentralization of the cardano ecosystem while serving a good purpose which is helping children with learning disabilities (Dyslexia, autism, hearing problems…) get the right care and tools to continue their educational journey. 

Technical Specs

Meapool is operating 2 AWS cloud based servers with 99.99 % uptime SLA and 24/7 maintenance and monitoring.

The server will be updated whenever the network requires it.

Tech stack per server: 

8GB RAM, 4vCores, SSD powered, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, 24/7 monitoring, 99.99% Uptime, DDos protected, Firewall protected.

Delegate your ADA to our stake pool


You want to grow your crypto investment

The numbers
speak for themselves

Lowest fee
0 %
0 %
Live Node Monitoring
0 /7

We are the team


Co-Founder & HR and Development Manager

Event organizer & artist manager Cardano Hodler & enthusiast since the early days

Ahmed Anis KERKENI

Co-Founder & MEAPOOL Project Manager
MEA Stakepool builder & Administrator

Serial Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer & Growth Hacker

Nidhal Mghirbi

IT entrepreneur, Aerospace engineer and self-taught programmer

Currently running a web development agency and contributing in the maintenance of MEA stake pool